Saturday, September 25, 2021

Trends of the Day

In today's world there are lots of trends going on. Some of them are easily recognizable and others aren't. Some of the trends going on are a little bit dangerous like eating tide pods or something else like that while others are harmless. With all of these and an increase in technology and social media we can end up with quite a confusing world. One of the things that has come to my attention is the lack of communication we do. With all the social media accounts, and cell phones that go everywhere with us we have forgotten how to talk to each other in person. Look at others when you are standing in line at the grocery store, or on the subway to work. Everyone is on their phones, Now I will admit I also struggle with this. When things get awkward or uncomfortable I tend to look at my phone trying to distract myself from the situation and hoping I'm not blushing, but I am. This may not seem like a very bad trend to you, but I think it has some very bad tendencies. There is a lack of unity in our communities. There are so many older people in our lives who live alone and are struggling. They would give anything to hear a kind word or have a helping hand in their lives but instead they are left alone as the younger generations become oblivious to their surroundings. My Grandma lives alone and is always so happy when I stop in to visit her. We talk and share about our weeks and it always is a bright spot in her day. There are many other examples of this from my life, but I’m not going to bore you with them. Some other problems with always being on your phone or computer is that you miss out on the beauty of the world and you also don’t develop as strong of bonds or friendships because all they see is the superficial not the reality. The world around us is so beautiful and diverse. There are trees, flowers, clouds and so many other things. I find peace in so many situations like watching birds fly and sunsets form that I can't imagine missing out on them all. Have you ever looked at your instagram feed and seen a friend who always looks nice and who’s pictures are flawless? I know I sure have. I look at their pictures and try to be like them. 5,299 pictures are late and I still don’t have the perfect picture! My hair has blown into my face or my makeup is dripping, or there is sometimes even a cow using the bathroom in the background. I feel so frustrated in life and start to hate my life wishing I could be like them. Little do I know that their life isn’t as perfect as they make it seem. Maybe their boyfriend or girlfriend just broke up with them and their heart is broken but they don’t want to admit their wrongs. When we compare our lives through the picture perfect package we tend to become more depressed and wish to change our lives even more.

Another trend that is harmful is moving farther and farther away from God. Much of the world today has forgotten that God exists and loves us. When we forget about him we tend to listen more and more to trends that seem enjoyable. God guides and directs our lives if we listen to him and he can help us to overcome trials. The secular world we live in constantly tells us that your accomplishments are all yours. You did it with no help, but when we look deeper we can see how God blesses us. Without him we are likely to fall into pits and seem to be more miserable. He also can help us to overcome trends in the world that could potentially harm our lives.

Well, welcome to my random ramblings on this gorgeous day! I hope you are all doing well and stay tuned for next week where I am going to post even more fun. You never know the effect you have on another's life will change how they view themselves. Hopefully you can guide them to a path of eternal happiness. Adios!!!

One last time

Well, this has been a wild ride! I hope you have been able to learn as much from my blogs as I have throughout this journey. It hasn't b...