What is the effect of parenting? Honestly this is a really hard one to judge. Sometimes we think that there isn't a very big effect from parenting but it really truly has a huge effect. Can you think of moments in your life where nothing seemed to be going you're way and then all of a sudden Mom or Dad stepped in with a fresh perspective and everything else seemed to suddenly all work out. I definitely have. There are many times where I go kinda crazy and only the loving support of my parents helps me to see the error of my ways and return to being the Angelic person I normally am. Just kidding. There have been many situations where I am extremely mad at a sibling for something I think they are doing, but really they aren't and I don't even want to talk to them. My parents lovingly help me to see the actual story and realize that I may have misread some things. Or there are times where everything seems to be against me. I'm failing some tests, my car broke down, my friends all abandoned me etc. and they come and remind me of all the good things I have in my life so I don't just focus on the bad.
As wonderful as parents are, they are also very different in the roles that they play in our lives. For me, I go to my mom when I am struggling with self-worth, or really frustrated with someone or something. Even though she hasn't been in my exact position she can empathize with me and help me to feel better while also helping me to prepare for other difficult times ahead of me. She is my confidant and my best friend. Then you have my dad. If I tried to share everything with my dad that I share with my mom, he would tell me to stop complaining and get on with life. It would be in a slightly more kind way but you get the gist of it all. My Dad is the one I go to when I need to feel safe. He is strong and loving and I know that he will always be there for me no matter what I do. He has been a huge example to me of hard work even when it isn't pleasant. While I was growing up he was let go from a job he loved for budget cuts and in order to support our family he worked in the oil fields. While this was hard and we didn't see him very often, he still made time for us to know he loved us. He hated this work but he never gave up either. There are many more ways that moms and dads can be different, and each family is different. Sometimes the dad is the one you confide in and mom is the one you go to in order to feel safe. Regardless of the outcomes, it is super important for each family to have a mother and a father. They provide stability and support in every situation and life is a lot darker without the other. The kids don't have as much time without both parents and often times have really difficult lives. Often they are more likely to become school shooters, or get on drugs and go to jail. This is a sad statistic.
Another aspect of families is finances. It doesn't always mean you are more financially stable if both spouses are working. This is not always true. You have to take into account the fact that now you need to pay for daycare, and other things like that. It is also hard for little kids to be away from their parents for so long. Also, many marriages have problems that start with money. As you can see, parents truly have a very big responsibility and an effect in your lives.